How to get rid of browser hijacker?
In the occasion that you've been encountering some unusual things with the default web-browser and are pondering what's happening – you've landed to the correct place.

In any of the above-mentioned instances portray your circumstance, a Browser Hijacker virus called has contaminated your gadget.
Altered default search engine, changed parameters of your homepage, multiple ads getting displayed throughout your online sessions, frequent redirects to random promotional pages and many more.
Keep reading this post and discover how to expel this program from your computer or tablet with the assistance of our removal steps of and furthermore how to anticipate future infections and virus assaults.

What is is categorized as a browser hijacker which had created destruction among the clients of Windows-based PC.
From its initial look, it is quite difficult for a general user to separate it with the legit ones. is competent to change the default program settings and web browser of the PC without the client’s authorization or even knowledge.
It is skilled to re-route the surfing session of the clients to a sponsored web page and begins to show constant pop-ups, commercial, update notifications, alerts, and cautioning messages.
The third party agencies essentially utilize browser hijacker virus like for advertising purpose which persuades the clients to introduce the most recent renditions of Java Variant, Flash player, video player, antivirus or other free projects.
How "" infects PC?
System vulnerabilities and security loopholes are the most critical gateways exploited by PC threats and cybercriminals. However, there is a vast list of additional reasons which can result in infection. The most prominent ones are mentioned below:
Blocked Firewall and Security Settings: If the firewall setting and security program are disabled, then your PC is exposed to virus attack, and it gets much more accessible for to invade your computer system.
While installing/updating programs: Often it is seen that many users use third party websites to establish programs. Some of the downloaded programs are harmful, and gets bundled along with them without user’s knowledge and infect computer systems.
Outdated Antivirus: Security experts keeps floating security updates. Not updating your antivirus software with the latest patches can be a significant source for concern. It exposes your PC to as well as other harmful PC threats. Outdated and Expired antivirus programs are not capable of detecting and preventing PC from virus attack.
Opening unknown emails & attachments: Opening spam emails, infected web links, and junk attachments can make you an easy target of infection.
Not installing the latest updates: Not updating your Operating system can result in dire consequences. Users are advised to upgrade the Operating security with the most recent updates released by Microsoft.
Downloading Pirated Software: Downloading music, audio/videos files, and freeware and shareware programs from unknown sources can infect your computer system and eventually result in threat.
Torrent and P2P File Sharing: Torrent and P2P file sharing is another notable source of virus. Sharing of contaminated file such as music, videos, etc., can result in spreading of the PC virus-like
Note* Perform the given steps to SECURE your System Now! browser hijacker (HARMFUL!!)
STEP 1: Click to Download Anti-Malware
STEP 2: Install Anti-Malware
STEP 3: Scan and Remove all malicious Programs.
Properties of Polo4.Me is a nettlesome redirect infection that has been exclusively designed to divert clients to untrusted and sponsored sites. A successful invasion can result in a lot of inconvenience and disturbance by showing annoying ads and manipulating search results and web browser.
- The redirect virus is capable of affecting all versions of web-browsers such as Mozilla, Google Chrome, and IE.
- Modifies the default settings of browser along with the search engine.
- also results in the installation of unwanted browser extensions and plugins.
- Post-installation it may even restrict the access to legitimate websites.
- It modifies the default homepage of your web-browser.
- Once snitches on to the PC, it fills your computer screen with an annoying array of ads and pop-ups.
- Clicking on such pop-ups will possibly result in a compromised pc and redirect you to unidentified webpages promoting sponsored products to generate traffic.
- Visiting such unsafe websites will result in other malware entering your PC.
- is additionally designed to track the browser’s history, search pattern and gather search query details. It can result in severe cases of security breaches, and collected information can be misused and shared remotely for illegal purposes.
- It can make your web-browser slow by consuming a vast chunk of your system resources.
- Poor web connectivity, freezing issues of the web browser and frequent crash out are few other problems linked with browser hijacker virus.
Targeted Web Browsers
- Internet Explorer.
- Safari
- Google Chrome
- Mozilla Firefox.
Why do users end up to sponsored third-party websites?
The redirect to third-party websites is the most visible symptom of any Browser Hijacker virus including Polo4.Me.
On a closer look, you can also find that your default search engine has been tampered with and changed entirely, although it might look similar to your default search engine.
Caution to be taken while installing freeware and shareware programs
Clicking on the download button of without going through the term and conditions listed in the EULA agreement may result in invasion by spyware and other PC threats secretly.
If reading the License Agreement seems to be a lengthy process, you may consider opting the “Custom and Automatic installation” process.
It is always suggested to use the customs process as it will disclose all details about any unwanted program getting installed secretly along with the utility software.
Furthermore, if you see any additional program then make sure you uncheck it immediately to avoid installation.
Removal steps - How to delete Polo4.Me?
Automatic Method – Detail explanation
- Download Malware Crusher(Free Scan) from the official website.
- Install it (2 mins).
- After installation, it will automatically initiate the scanning process.
- Finally, your computer is free of malware.
Manual Method - Detailed explanation
How to terminate process from Task Manager
- Open the Start Menu, then select the Run command.
- In order to launch the task manager click Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys in combination.
- On the Task Manager window, look out for and other related programs.
- In the end, right click and select “End Process” option to kill and delete along will all related process.
Get rid of from Control Panel
- From the Start Menu. Click and open the “Control Panel” window.
- Next, double-click on the Add/Remove program tab and open it.
- From the new window, locate Polo4.Me and click on “change/remove” button to delete from your system.
Remove malicious extension added by from the web browser
Browser extensions can be both convenient and dangerous. But, extensions that modify web functionality by adding suspicious add-ons and extensions in your browser must be removed;
From Google Chrome
- Open Google Chrome
- Press Alt + F.
- Choose More Tools > Extensions.
- Search for or any extension you find suspicious and remove it by clicking the trash icon.
From Mozilla Firefox
- Open Firefox.
- Press Shift + Ctrl + A.
- Select the specific extension and choose to Disable or Remove from the given options.
From Internet Explorer
- Open Internet Explorer.
- Press Alt + T to choose Manage Add-ons option.

- Click on Toolbars and Extensions and Disable the unwanted adware by a left click.

- Go to More information link present in the left-bottom corner.
- Click on Remove button.
From Opera Mini
- Open Opera browser and go to Customize and Control Opera.
- Navigate to Extensions, select all extensions and press button “Remove from Opera.”
Reset all your web browsers
Sometimes removing malicious extensions from your web browsers can’t remove the installed virus. In that case, reset the browser to default settings.
For Google Chrome
- Click the Chrome menu button in the top right corner.
- Choose Settings > Show advanced settings > Reset browser settings section > Reset browser settings > click Reset.
For Mozilla Firefox
- Open Mozilla Firefox.
- Go to Help > Troubleshooting information > click Reset Firefox button.
For Internet Explorer
- Open Internet Explorer.
- Click on the gear icon in the right upper corner of the browser Window
- Click Internet options > Advanced tab > Reset button.

- Select Delete personal settings and click on the Reset button.
For Microsoft Edge
- Go to Apps and Features by right clicking on the start button.
- A list of the installed program will open, from the list select Microsoft Edge and click on Advanced Options.
- Click on the Reset button.
Not every victim can manually get rid of such issue by following this technical procedure because finding registry files and ending task manager process needs a good knowledge of the Operating System.
Note: The best way of eliminating the threat is using an advanced antimalware program like Malware Crusher.
- You have seen ads from, but you can never be sure if this was the only one. So, in this case, we always recommend the automatic method using the popular “Malware Removal Tool(Free Scan).”
- ‘Malware Removal Tool’ does the fix in less than 5 minutes.
- A malware removal tool uses advanced scanning mechanism to detect virus or infection in the system. This process is the positive approach towards eliminating the infection, and at the same time, it will also prevent the infection from creating any copies.
- A malware removal tool can work alongside the regular anti-virus program that you might already have in your system.
- The major reason we recommend using the “Malware Removal Tool” is because it is the simplest method a user can rely on to eliminate malware. On the other hand, the manual method is entirely technical.
Note* Perform the given steps to SECURE your System Now!
Remove hijacker from Windows (HARMFUL!!)
STEP 1: Click to Download Anti-Malware
STEP 2: Install Anti-Malware
STEP 3: Scan and Remove all malicious Programs.
- How hijacker affects your bank account?
The adware ends up on your computer through infected websites when you click coupon deals and offers. If the adware promotes online shopping, then your banking credentials are shared by adware publishers and online shopping platform. Thus, keeping you always at risk.
- What is the difference between malvertising and advertising?
Promotion of legitimate ads is advertising but promoting malicious ads is called malvertising. All adware including belongs to the family of malvertising.
- Why I get repeated ads?
Computer Cookies allow third-party providers such as ad serving networks to track your personal information. ads are third-party tracking cookies that risk your privacy and concern you about your banking safety.
Everytime you browse, third-party cookies track your information and you see repeated ads.
- Is adware a web companion?
Web companions are minor PUPs that comes as an extension to the browser without user’s permission and distribute advertising. Thus, we can consider adware a web companion practiced by cybercriminals.
- What should be my final take if I see ads first time on my browser?
Rather than clicking such ads, prefer to clean your browsing history and download antimalware tool to remove adware.
Tips to Prevent virus and malware from Infecting Your System:
- Enable your popup blocker: Pop-ups and ads on the websites are the most adoptable tactic used by cybercriminals or developers with the core intention to spread malicious programs.
So, avoid clicking uncertain sites, software offers, pop-ups etc. and Install a powerful ad- blocker for Chrome, Mozilla, and IE
- Keep your Windows Updated: To avoid such infections, we recommend that you should always keep your system updated through automatic windows update.By doing this you can keep your device free from virus.According to the survey, outdated/older versions of Windows operating system are an easy target.
- Third-party installation: Try to avoid freeware download websites as they usually install bundled of software with any installer or stub file.
- Regular Backup: Regular and periodical backup helps you to keep your data safe in case the system is infected by any kind of virus or any other infection.Thus always backup important files regularly on a cloud drive or an external hard drive.
- Always have an Anti-Virus: Precaution is better than cure. We recommend that you install an antivirus like ITL Total Security or a good Malware Removal Tool like Download Virus RemovalTool
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