Home Malware iPhone Virus – How to Scan, Detect and Remove Virus from iPhone?
iPhone Virus – How to Scan, Detect and Remove Virus from iPhone? iPhone Virus – How to Scan, Detect and Remove Virus from iPhone?
Malware,Virus | 07/20/2018

iPhone Virus – How to Scan, Detect and Remove Virus from iPhone?

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Can my iPhone get Viruses?

Well, this could be a tricky question for many experts, and the answer could be even trickier. This is due to the widespread belief of users that iOS is a very secure platform and has a great track record for safety against various attacks. But, it should be kept in mind that no system is completely safe and invulnerable to attacks. It's important to know that your iPhone can be infected with viruses or malware.

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There is a high amount of personal data stored on your iPhone which includes photos, messages, contacts, email account information, etc. It’s threatening to imagine what would happen if a hacker gets access to all this data. The iPhone also has listening, viewing and tracking features that could allow an attacker to access your personal conversations, your GPS location and other information to be viewed and stored.

So how can you know if your iPhone has a virus? How can you prevent and remove viruses from your iPhone? How can you safeguard your iPhone? Let's get started!

First of all…

What is a Virus and What is Malware?

Well, there is a huge difference between a virus and malware.

Malware is short for malicious software which includes viruses, ransomware, Trojan horses, worms, etc. Anything that can damage your device or system and steal your personal information falls under the category of malware.

A virus is a type of malware which replicates itself by modifying apps with their own code once it is invaded.

Hence, iPhone owners need to take steps to protect their devices from viruses, and not just simply rely on Apple to keep their device protected.

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How Can I Protect My iPhone from Viruses?

Follow the below tips to protect your iPhone from viruses:

1.   Never Jailbreak Your iPhone

Sometimes you could be tempted to jailbreak your iPhone for uploading software and apps outside of the Apple ecosystem. But, once you jailbreak your iPhone, you not only break your iPhone warranty but also leave your phone open to viruses. So, never jailbreak your iPhone.

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2.   Update your OS Regularly

Not keeping your operating system updated with the latest version leaves your iPhone vulnerable to malware. With operating system updates by Apple, new features are introduced, bugs are fixed and security is kept at the highest possible level. So, always update your iOS as soon as you see a new update.

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3.   Download Genuine Apps

Always download and install apps from trusted sources. While downloading apps from the App Store, keep in mind the following points to make sure you download safe apps only:

-         Check if the app has a professional feel, i.e., good-looking images, correct content, etc.

-         Check the app reviews.

-         Check if you can recognize the app developer and if there are any website links.

 4.   Avoid Opening Suspicious Links & Email Attachments

Never open unknown links which you receive via text, email or find on the web. This could potentially pose a risk to your device and hackers could be able to access your sensitive information. Similarly, be cautious while opening email attachments from unknown senders.

 5.   Beware of Tricky Pop-ups

In some cases, a random pop-up appears on your phone screen which looks like an official warning. Sometimes, it may even seem to be from Apple! The pop-up usually says, "Warning! A virus has compromised your iPhone! Scan now!" It includes a button to tap for getting rid of the virus, though in reality this actually infects your phone with a virus. Whenever you see something like this, never believe it. Just exit the pop-up.   

 6.   Keep Your Data Backed Up

Have a habit of keeping your data backed up always. You can back up your device with iCloud, iTunes, or both, to keep your important data such as your photos, contacts, etc., safe and protected.  You can also use your backups to restore your phone if required.

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 7.   Update your Apps Regularly

Always keep your iPhone apps updated. When the apps are up-to-date, there is a very less chance of encountering viruses. Developers release new updates from time to time to introduce new features, fix security patches and loopholes. So, an updated app gives you a better app experience and enhanced security.

 8.   Turn Off Auto-Fill Option

Apple sometimes prompts users to remember their login information after successfully logging into their account. It could be a very handy feature as you don't have to remember the login information and type every time. This also includes your credit/debit card information. However, if a hacker gains access to your iPhone, he will also gain your login and credit card information.

Hence, disable the auto-fill option. To disable, go to Settings -> Safari -> AutoFill and toggle off each option.

So, if you follow the measures regularly, then it's unlikely that viruses or malware can infect your iPhone.

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