WebCobra Malware - A New Evident Cryptomining Threat
Nowadays, coinmining is a very popular technique after AES encryption that is corrupting many computers especially windows systems. Coinmining harnesses victim’s computing power, then mine for cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Monero, Zcash, DarkNetCoin, etc.
Many security firms have identified the exploitation of cryptocurrency through malware, viruses and other cyber threats. This increasing exploitation makes coinmining malware and viruses undetectable. According to cybersecurity experts, WebCobra Malware is an evident cryptocurrency mining malware that can be on your computer without your consent.
Since the threat presence is undetected, it is difficult to conclude whether mining malware is on your computer or not! Thus we have prepared a reference removal guide with which you can learn about cryptojacking, currency mining.
The spike in the cryptocurrency prices set a new wave of cybercriminals, who use malware and viruses to dismantle or harm unsuspecting victim’s computers to mine cryptocurrencies.
After getting a brief knowledge of WebCobra virus and its impacts on your computer, at the end of the article, you will get a free malware removal guide to get rid of dangerous WebCobra miner malware.
What is WebCobra Malware?
It is a cryptocurrency mining service (consisting small chunk of codes) that gets installed on your computer for bidding Monero bits. While the malware originated in Russia, researchers found it all around the world, with the highest number of infections in Brazil, South Africa, and the United States of America.
It establishes its malicious extensions and add-on programs into your computer's browser settings and negatively affects your browser experience.
The miner exploit digital currency (e-money) by mining malicious browser extensions (Webcobra virus malware) to make money by mining cryptocurrency (Monero, ZCash and others) without users consent.
Once the malware installs into your browser, it configures and starts automatically every time the web-browser starts. Once started, the Cryptojacking malware performs highly complex computations to mine cryptocurrency. Additionally, it also slows down your internet browser and the whole computer system.
What is Cryptojacking Malware?
Cryptojacking is a cyber attack where someone else’s computer is used to mine cryptocurrency on behalf of the hacker. The cyber attacker or hacker use your computer to get profit by hijacking the cryptocurrency against the Flat money
The cost of computations like cryptocurrencies' blockchains update, creating new tokens and generating fees are deposited to cyberattacker’s wallet.
On the other hand, the cost of mining, electricity and damage to computer systems are borne by the victim. As compared to 2017, this year cryptojacking attacks saw a big rise to 459%.
Browser mining is increasing in a day to day life and works in the background while the unsuspecting victims normally work on their computer without knowing the presence of malware.
No one knows how much cryptocurrency is mined, but in recent research reports, it was found that around 34,000 websites are running the cryptomining javascript codes. It is a much-needed debate now, however, to protect your system from mining viruses and malware we recommend Malware Crusher.

How do WebCobra Malware Works?
WebCobra cryptojacking malware provides Javascript code to website owners that they embed into their site.
The function of the code:
The code uses the website visitor's processing power and mines the Monero and ZCash cryptocurrency. It's a win-win situation for attackers because the website owner keeps the maximum amount while malware developers receive a portion of the mined amount.
Since cryptocurrency mining malware is stealthy and non-intrusive, users can’t find that WebCobra miner is the cause. Besides, such malware presents an excellent opportunity for profit because each infected system acts as a personal cryptocurrency miner for the cyberattackers.
Small yet useful tip to check mining on your computer!
Users who want to prevent their computers form Monero and ZCash malware must block Javascript-based applications from running on their browsers. You should also look into few effective security solutions to avoid the entry of ConHive miner.
Symptoms On In-Browser Miner
The most important symptom of in-browser mining is that the browser will utilize a lot of CPU power, approximately 80%. To check the consumption by the browser use this shortcut;
CTRL + SHIFT + ESC - It opens Task Manager where you can monitor CPU’s power utilization for every application working presently on your system.
For example,

From the above image, you can find that the browser is consuming a minimal amount of power, there is no impact of WebCobra malware on my computer.
Presence of any malicious threat decreases your computer’s performance. Subsequently, it makes programs unresponsive due to which they don’t launch quickly.
As the Cryptojacking is becoming a serious issue; CrytoLoot, CoinHive and Rocks have entered into the top ten families of Malware.
Until now there are no such blocking methods but if you check for java scripts from the page source you can find out the miner.
In order to see page source, open the suspicious website on your browser and right click anywhere on it. Now select View Page Source and go through all the code lines for checking javascript of miners.
It’s a very small trick but could be helpful to at least let you know whether the cryptomining javascript is in your computer. But, in the world of cyber threats, knowing about WebCobra malware doesn’t mean that your work is over!
You need to fix the issue by finding the threat. To help you with it, we have prepared a manual and automatic guide to get rid of the threat.
How to Remove WebCobra Virus Malware Manually
There are two ways of removing the malware from your system. First, is uninstalling all the suspicious applications and deleting all the application related files. The second method is to eliminate suspected extensions from the browser.
- To uninstall the malicious installer program, open run window (windows key + R) and type appwiz.cpl to open programs and features window.
- Press windows key + R and type regedit to open windows registry editors. Explore and search among all HKEY, HKLM and other folders to find all unwanted files.
- Find and select suspicious application one by one to uninstall and hit uninstall button at the top of the list of programs.
1. Click on the Customize and control menu icon at the top right corner of Google Chrome.
2. Select "More tools" from the menu.
3. Select "Extensions" from the side menu.
4. Click the remove button next to the extension you wish to remove.
5. It will confirm again, click “remove” and the extension is finally out of the system.
Now that we have successfully eliminated the malicious browser extension, we need to create a robust firewall to avoid any such thing that makes our system and privacy vulnerable to various online threats.
1. Click on the “menu” button at the top right corner.
2. Select “Add-ons” from the menu.
3. Click the “Remove” button next to the extension you wish to get rid of.
Now that we have successfully eliminated the malicious browser extension, we need to create a robust firewall to avoid any such thing that makes our system and privacy vulnerable to various online threats.
Prevent Automatically Before It Gets Too Late!
Malware Crusher is the most commonly used anti-malware software for the Windows computer. It’s malware removal capabilities makes it the most impactful tool when it comes to fighting against malicious programs.
- It’s a real-time protection feature, performs a deep scan, detects malicious software, infected encrypted files within your system.
- The Quarantine feature of the tool removes all infected files from your computer in addition to keeping a record of all deleted malicious program.
- Malware Crusher also creates a shield against Ransomware, Adware, Malware, Browser Hijackers, Viruses, Extensions and Trojans from entering into your system.
- The 24X7 online protective shield works as an anti-exploit technology and blocks the ransomware component before they hold files as a hostage.
- Malware Crusher tirelessly visits all domains, URLs and web pages to secure your online presence from fraudulent entities.
- Malware Crusher becomes fiercer in detecting keylogging, remote connections and saving your session data from being recorded.
Malware Crusher will prevent further damage to your computer and will prevent WebCobra malware attack on your computer.
To get a better security awareness on preventing cyber attacks and cyber security threats keep visiting us, forget not to download Malware Crusher. Its 5-minute function could be a savior for your Windows computer!

Tips to Prevent virus and malware from Infecting Your System:
- Enable your popup blocker: Pop-ups and ads on the websites are the most adoptable tactic used by cybercriminals or developers with the core intention to spread malicious programs.
So, avoid clicking uncertain sites, software offers, pop-ups etc. and Install a powerful ad- blocker for Chrome, Mozilla, and IE
- Keep your Windows Updated: To avoid such infections, we recommend that you should always keep your system updated through automatic windows update.By doing this you can keep your device free from virus.According to the survey, outdated/older versions of Windows operating system are an easy target.
- Third-party installation: Try to avoid freeware download websites as they usually install bundled of software with any installer or stub file.
- Regular Backup: Regular and periodical backup helps you to keep your data safe in case the system is infected by any kind of virus or any other infection.Thus always backup important files regularly on a cloud drive or an external hard drive.
- Always have an Anti-Virus: Precaution is better than cure. We recommend that you install an antivirus like ITL Total Security or a good Malware Removal Tool like Download Virus RemovalTool