Home News MSN Home Page – An Update in 10 Years (Thumbs Up Microsoft)
MSN Home Page – An Update in 10 Years (Thumbs Up Microsoft) MSN Home Page – An Update in 10 Years (Thumbs Up Microsoft)
News | 07/20/2018

MSN Home Page – An Update in 10 Years (Thumbs Up Microsoft)

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MSN Homepage: The new look that makes you fall for Microsoft?

Microsoft has finally decided to come up with its most important update for the MSN homepage in almost ten years.

The one big problem with the new design that we can't believe is that we finally like it.

Since the day we first laid eyes on MSN, we were pretty sure never to use it again but, this new look has surely changed our opinion.

MSN beta homepage

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New MSN is now available in its beta version and is amazingly simple to use and more user-friendly then iGoogle. The new MSN is also smoother when compared to the freshly designed Yahoo homepage.

Still, we wouldn't say that the new MSN is perfect of all, but can certainly be said that it is one good online portal.

Something we would like being improved on the platform is how it interacts with Facebook and Twitter.

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We are all familiar with the popularity of Twitter and Facebook, it's no surprise that one of MSN's significant update is their addition.

Facebook widget, on the other hand, does a great job, it is pretty simple to use providing all the required account updates and status information you would like to view.

Talking about Twitter integration there are many things to seek. If you plan on adding Twitter as your homepage, it should relatively function like a major Twitter platform similar to something like the Flock browser's Twitter sidebar or Twitter Fox.

MSN new homepage is coming

The Twitter functionality of MSN is not major; rather it's casually a Twitter message viewer with a dedicated option to update your status.

Missing on major aspects like an optional column view of direct messages or "@reply,” or a facility to reply to the tweets with an "@reply" button.

The other issue is that the Twitter channel doesn't refresh automatically and expects you to refresh rather physically. One last objection: in case you're typing an update, you can't explore away by copying a URL. Still, if you do so, MSN's Twitter page will reset itself, and you'll need to retype your message.


Email incorporation is, obviously, an undeniable component for the new MSN. However, we will have options other than just viewing Hotmail. This will most likely change when the new MSN officially takes off right on time one year from now, as indicated by All Things D.

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Local Weather and News

The new MSN has an incredible segment for local news and climate, which is another self-evident, yet awesome expansion.

However, we would like the alternative to consequently set this area in view of our PC's encompassing remote access point, the way Google's My Location does.

That would be an excellent alternative to refresh you on your new surroundings when traveling naturally, however, we would need to have the capacity to physically change the nearby settings on the off chance that we need to watch out for things back home.

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Microsoft seems to be on a roll!

In spite of these bandy, we would state we are awed with MSN's new plan. We like the general usefulness of the new site, and its perfect look is a much-needed development from the enlarged 90s-style rendition of the current MSN.

Microsoft likewise says it intends to reveal the new clean look over its other MSN properties after some time.

Following quite a while of detesting Microsoft's online presence, and cherishing Google's, we are gradually being prevailed upon by Redmond's new items.

With MSN's new overhaul taking off ahead of schedule one year from now, the capacity to match up documents over numerous PCs with Windows Live Sync for both Mac and PC, 25GB of free online stockpiling with SkyDrive, a patched-up web index, and the up and coming Microsoft Office Web Apps, there's exceptionally just a single thing warding off us from bouncing to Microsoft benefits full time, and that is email.

Gmail is much more practical and adaptable than Hotmail, and we don't see that changing at any point shortly.


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