Home News Why You Can’t Name “CON” as a Folder or File Name in Windows
Why You Can’t Name “CON” as a Folder or File Name in Windows Why You Can’t Name “CON” as a Folder or File Name in Windows
News | 12/19/2018

Why You Can’t Name “CON” as a Folder or File Name in Windows

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Windows Reserved Files and Special Characters

Windows “reserves” certain filenames in such a way that no one can use them anywhere in their Windows-operated computers. For example, you can’t create a con.txt file, an aux.mp3 file, etc.

Try it yourself! Try saving a file as con.txt, lpt6.txt, con.jpg, etc. Windows won’t let you do it irrespective of the extension you try to save filename. Windows isn’t a case-sensitive operating system, thus it doesn’t matter whether you write CON, con or CoN.

The filename is one case, moreover, Windows doesn’t let you use few special characters in giving a file name. These characters are called Illegal characters in filenames.

The restriction of using reserved words and illegal characters is due to the choice made in 1974 by Microsoft for eternal backward compatibility.

Before we move further and explain to you the reason, first we would like you to know the official list of words and characters that are not usable in file naming.

The official list of Windows reserved filenames:


The official list of Windows illegal characters in filenames:

/           \           ?          %         *           :           |           “           <          >          .

What Happened in 1974?

The restriction in using special characters and reserved files was a mistake that happened in 1974. It still presents as a limitation to the latest version, Windows 10.

Let’s start with the UNIX operating system. In UNIX, everything is a file. This is a great concept that lets to understand the basic functioning of storage as files in allocated memory.

However, in 1974 the same concept got added to the CP/M operating system. But, CP/M designed for computers was with very little memory in addition to the absence of hard drives. It also used multiple disks but no directories.

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Therefore, the special files of devices effectively appeared on each and every disk. Let’s understand it with an example -

If a text editor saves a file to the name of the printer device followed by the extension.txt, CP/M first assume that it was referring to a printer device and secondly, ignored the file extension.

The PC-DOS feature in CP/M added directories back in 1983, but Microsoft chose to let these device files appear in all the directories for compatibility with their existing DOS software rather than placing them in one special device folder.

Windows 10 reserved filename

Eventually, Windows 95 came and it was built on the top of this PC-DOS. This continued with Windows NT, Windows 95, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10.

Now, it has been more than forty years with no change in the folders and naming the above-enlisted file names and special characters.

The reason behind the invalidity of con folder is the restriction of special character and file names. Therefore, making con.txt, aux.mp3 is still a difficulty in Windows operating system.

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How To Create/Delete A Con Folder?

There are a few differences between a Windows and LINUX as they use their system variables. It is difficult to create the file named CON, if you would like to try then we have a detailed process that could help you to make a CON File.

  • Form a New Folder and try renaming it as CON.

If you succeed without error then it is a win-win situation otherwise you can try another method also described below:

  • Open Command Prompt by pressing Windows Key + R.
  • And type the following command: rd /s \\?\”E:\Users\Usman\Desktop\con
  • Press Enter then type Y

If also you get an error then it clears that Windows reserved file names are not for the access of users. And Since the file isn’t formed, deleting it as an option would ever exist.

Tips to Prevent virus and malware from Infecting Your System:
  1. Enable your popup blocker: Pop-ups and ads on the websites are the most adoptable tactic used by cybercriminals or developers with the core intention to spread malicious programs.
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  2. Keep your Windows Updated: To avoid such infections, we recommend that you should always keep your system updated through automatic windows update.By doing this you can keep your device free from virus.According to the survey, outdated/older versions of Windows operating system are an easy target.
  3. Third-party installation: Try to avoid freeware download websites as they usually install bundled of software with any installer or stub file.
  4. Regular Backup: Regular and periodical backup helps you to keep your data safe in case the system is infected by any kind of virus or any other infection.Thus always backup important files regularly on a cloud drive or an external hard drive.
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