Home Malware Remove “How To: PdFs” Browser Extension Completely (UPDATED GUIDE)
Remove “How To: PdFs” Browser Extension Completely (UPDATED GUIDE) Remove “How To: PdFs” Browser Extension Completely (UPDATED GUIDE)
Malware,Browser hijacker,Extension | 05/07/2018

Remove “How To: PdFs” Browser Extension Completely (UPDATED GUIDE)

Remove How To: PdFs Browser Extension from your computer completely in easy steps. How To: PdFs is a browser hijacker which causes several problems on your web browser but it is promoted as an easy way to let you convert various files. See how to remove it…

What is “How To: PdFs”?

“How To: PdFs” is a browser hijacker which causes several problems on your web browser. It is a harmful browser extension which can lead to several malicious effects on your browser and system.


“How To: PdFs” is promoted as an easy way to let you convert various files. But in reality, it brings nothing but trouble. It targets Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer and other popular web browsers.


“How To: PdFs” silently enters your PC without your permission and performs several malicious activities in the background. It changes your entire web browser’s settings.


When installed, it changes the homepage, search engine and new tab page of your web browser to http://www.how-to-pdfs.com. While adding the extension, you will see a pop-up like this.

how to pdfs extension


“How To: PdFs” is a malicious browser hijacker and adware which is also categorized as a PUP (Potentially Unwanted Program) according to cyber-security experts. It silently invades system security settings and brings numerous problems.


It is not easy to manually undo the changes made by “How To: PdFs”. If you got “How To: PdFs” browser hijacker on your browser, the only solution is to remove it immediately.


Use an automatic Anti-malware tool to ensure that your system is free from malware and other PUPs. Find out how to remove “How To: PdFs” from your PC. Read the full article to find out.

Download Recommended Free Malware Removal Tool by clicking on the given link:

Download Free Removal Tool

ALSO READ: How to remove iLivid New Tab Browser Hijacker PUP Virus (SOLVED!)

How “How To: PdFs” Enters your System?


“How To: PdFs” can enter the system through any of the following methods:

  1. Compromised or malicious websites

  2. Fake alerts which claim to update software, Flash Player or your browser

  3. It can enter the targeted system through freeware or shareware programs.

  4. In most cases, “How To: PdFs” arrives uninvited on the PC through a popular method called bundling. This approach is used by many adware distributors to spread adware & other PUPs.

  5. It can enter the system through social networking websites which provoke the users to click on malicious ads. This process is known as Social Clickjacking.

  6. It can get into your computer through nasty email attachments and URLs.

  7. It can enter your browser through P2P File Sharing and Torrents.

  8. It can enter your system through infected storage devices like hard drives, USB sticks, pen drives, etc.


What are the Harmful Effects of “How To: PdFs”?


“How To: PdFs” can lead to the following malicious effects on your system and web browsers:


  1. It tricks victims into installing other malicious malware and brings more problems.

  2. It makes it easy for cybercriminals to gain access and collect your information such as browsing details which include your search history, cookies, clicked ads, etc.

  3. It can also access your IP address, geolocation, etc.

  4. It installs several browser toolbars, extensions or plug-ins on your system.

  5. It highly affects your browsing experience.

  6. It infects your computer with destructive data and registry keys.

  7. It displays irrelevant search results.

  8. It gathers your personal data and passes this information to cybercriminals.

  9. It redirects you to suspicious third-party websites.

  10. It modifies your browser security settings.

  11. It leads to unnecessary pop-up ads and banner ads while surfing.

  12. It leads to a slow browser and degraded PC performance.

  13. It disables browser updates.

  14. It disables some legitimate programs such as Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop, etc.

  15. It can lead to a slow internet connection.

  16. It installs unwanted free games on your computer without your permission.

  17. It turns random web page text into hyperlinks.

  18. It displays fake update notifications, security warnings and error messages.

  19. It tricks you into downloading malicious programs.

  20. It gathers important information about you through your preferences. This way it displays eye-catching advertisements to you. The collected data can also include your private and sensitive information such as your user id, passwords, bank account information, etc. By using your personal information, cybercriminals can take away all your money causing a big financial loss.


How To Remove “How To: PdFs” Browser Hijacker?


Follow the given “How To: PdFs” Removal Process to get rid of the malicious extension.


You can easily remove “How To: PdFs” with “How To: PdFs” cleaner tool. Use a reputed and automated free malware removal tool to delete “How To: PdFs” permanently from your system.

Download Recommended Free Malware Removal Tool by clicking on the given link:

Download Free Removal Tool

How to Prevent Installation of Adware and Browser Hijacker in Future?


Follow the given steps while installing freeware programs to avoid the installation of unnecessary browser extensions, browser hijackers and adware:

  • Be more vigilant while downloading & installing free programs.

  • Make sure that the desired application program is coming from an official website or some reliable source.

  • Opt out of any extra add-ons, plug-ins or extensions included in the program.

  • While installing a freeware software or any free online game, please go through the license agreement section and completely read all the terms and conditions.

  • If you are not able to read the complete terms and conditions, then while installing the freeware application, if the installation offers you “custom and automatic installation”, it is always recommended that you select the custom installation as this would disclose all the other programs that might get installed along with the freeware program.

  • If you see any additional add-ons or toolbars checked with the freeware program, then remember to uncheck them as this would avoid the installation of browser extensions, browser hijackers and adware.


After successfully eliminating the malicious browser extension, make sure to create a robust firewall to avoid any such issue that makes our system and privacy vulnerable to various online threats.

ALSO READ: Remove Search-Privacy.Store Browser Hijacker (UPDATED REMOVAL GUIDE)

Tips to Prevent virus and malware from Infecting Your System:
  1. Enable your popup blocker: Pop-ups and ads on the websites are the most adoptable tactic used by cybercriminals or developers with the core intention to spread malicious programs.
    So, avoid clicking uncertain sites, software offers, pop-ups etc. and Install a powerful ad- blocker for ChromeMozilla, and IE
  2. Keep your Windows Updated: To avoid such infections, we recommend that you should always keep your system updated through automatic windows update.By doing this you can keep your device free from virus.According to the survey, outdated/older versions of Windows operating system are an easy target.
  3. Third-party installation: Try to avoid freeware download websites as they usually install bundled of software with any installer or stub file.
  4. Regular Backup: Regular and periodical backup helps you to keep your data safe in case the system is infected by any kind of virus or any other infection.Thus always backup important files regularly on a cloud drive or an external hard drive.
  5. Always have an Anti-Virus: Precaution is better than cure. We recommend that you install an antivirus like ITL Total Security or a good Malware Removal Tool like Download Virus RemovalTool


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