What is a Koobface Virus?
It is estimated that facebook’s 120 million users are being targeted by a virus called “Koobface” that uses the social network’s messaging system to infect PCs, which tries to gather sensitive information such as credit card numbers. This virus is believed to around since 2008 but got active again in Dec 2017.
How Koobface Infects Computers
Koobface spreads itself by putting links on the social network profile of a user whose machine which it is infecting. When social connections or friends of the victim clicks on the infected links, they become infected automatically. Mostly it spreads through a tempting message or post that contains a video. When this video is clicked, the victim is directed to a fake web page that states the video cannot be loaded because an update for Adobe Flash Player is needed. It then conveniently offers a link to download and install the update. When this link is clicked, it installs the Koobface worm on the unsuspecting user’s computer.
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What Does Koobface Spread?
The Koobface worm is categorizes as a bot. What is a bot.? computers that have a bot’s connectivity can connect to command and control servers. A group of bots connects to a C&C; server is known as a botnet. Once the infected computer is under the control of a C&C; server, the cyber hackers can completely control the infected system and all its data. As bot runs as a background process without the knowledge of the user, virtually anything is possible from that point on. For this reason, computers infected with bots like Koobface are also referred to as zombie hosts. The victim of a zombie host is under constant threat of being monitored for bank account numbers, credit card numbers, passwords and more, and further forms of malicious software can be downloaded and installed on the infected computer.
Koobface prevention tips
- Do not surf suspicious and unreliable websites. If you have clicked and opened a website which asks to update your Flash Player, and you know that before this message you were able to open other videos, you should get alert that this website is suspicious. Close it immediately.
- If you have at least a smallest doubt that your friend did not send the suspicious message with a hyperlink, ask him or her twice.
- Install and keep good anti-malware program on your computer to prevent infectious computer threats.
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Tips to prevent koobface from entering your computer :
1. Enable your popup blocker: Pop-ups and ads in the websites are the most adoptable tactic used by cybercriminals or developers with the core intention to spread malicious programs. So, avoid clicking uncertain sites, software offers, pop-ups etc.
2. Keep your Windows Updated: To avoid such infections, we recommend that you should always keep your system updated through automatic windows update. By doing this you can keep your device free from virus. According to the survey, outdated/older versions of Windows operating system are an easy target.
3. Third-party installation: Try to avoid freeware download websites as they usually install bundled of software with any installer or stub file.
4. Regular Backup: Regular and periodical backup helps you to keep your data safe in case the system is infected by any kind of virus or any other infection. Thus always backup important files regularly on a cloud drive or an external hard drive.
5. Always have an Anti-Virus: Precaution is better than cure. We recommend that you install an antivirus like McAfee or a good Malware Removal Tool like Download Free Virus Removal Tool
6. Install a powerful ad- blocker for Chrome, Mozilla,and IE.