What is Nemucod?
Nemucod is a type of Ransomware that downloads extra malware onto casualties' PCs. Digital hackers multiply this software through emails containing attached compressed or zipped files. These emails regularly claims to be legal invoices, notification of appearance in court, or other authority documents. PC users regularly fall for these tricks and open the attached documents that contain a JavaScript file. The document at that point downloads the Nemucod onto their system. Beforehand, the Nemucod downloaded and introduced TeslaCrypt and Locky ransomware on casualties' PCs, in any case, it as of late began another crusade whereby it downloads ransomware to encrypt user’s data (including the .crypted extension to bargained documents and making the DECRYPT.txt file on casualties' desktop).
Nemucod infection has a same name from a malevolent Nemucod Trojan. Nonetheless, these infections are unique. The ransomware is specially designed to encrypt individual data. A while later, it urges a casualty to pay the cash in return of data. If you are worried about the security of your gadget and you presume that the system was contaminated with this risk, you should protect your system with the reputed anti-malware tool like Free Malware Removal tool to remove the Nemucod virus.
The DECRYPT.txt file contains a message expressing that documents put away on the casualty's PC have been encrypted. Files are encrypted utilizing the RSA-1024 encryption algorithm - this implies they must be decrypted utilizing a private key, which is produced amid encryption. This key is as far as anyone knows put away on remote servers controlled by digital crooks. The message expresses that to restore the data, user must pay a ransom of 0.60358 BitCoin (at time of research, comparable to $252.53). The file additionally gives well-ordered installment steps, in any case, explore demonstrates that the announcement with respect to the encryption calculation is false. Actually, this ransomware utilizes the XOR calculation/algorithm, thus, encryption and decryption keys are identical. In this way, it is conceivable to utilize this key to decode files without installment. Moreover, the ransomware does not erase shadow volume duplicates. Hence, these copies and system Restore' can be utilized to reestablish files influenced by this ransomware.
Also Read: What is rthdcpl.exe File? How To Remove rthdcpl.exe Virus?
How Nemucod gets installed on your system?
- It gets inside your system along with the installation of any new software applications which the user does without completely reading license agreements or reading without terms and condition. Most of these cases are sharing files like music, photos and many more in networking environment, visiting various adult websites are also liable behind the insertion of this threat inside your system.
- Attachments send via emails or Facebook, Skype messages. This trap is genuinely old, however it is always getting enhanced. The most recent hit is to influence it to look an associate sent you that email and it will also incorporate what seem, by all accounts, to be business related documents inside. Make sure to search for the file attachment before you take a gander at the document name. If it closes with .exe or it is .exe file then it’s most likely an infection!
- Bundling: Through third party installers by concealing itself in freeware installation. It comes bundled with free application hosted from unreliable site. When user install those free application then this infection also gets installed automatically.
- It can also get attached with on your PC, if you frequently visit unsafe site like Porn sites or betting sites which contain illegal stuff. In addition, user should also avoid clicking on misleading ads and random links which redirects the victim to social media site.
- Spam emails: This browser hijacker gets into your computer through malicious email attachments in the spam emails tab. malicious infected attachments and download links in an unknown emails.
- Carelessness-It gets installed when you click unintentionally on any infected link. Always pay attention while clicking on unsafe links or unknown links.
- Torrents & P2P File Sharing: Online Ads are another common culprit. Torrent sites especially are well known for their tricks involving multiple fake download buttons. If you click on the wrong button you’ll get a file to download that is named exactly like the file you want. Unfortunately what’s inside is actually the virus.
- Fake download websites are another wellspring of Adware programs. These websites have worked in calculations, which enable them to duplicate your search queries and influence the search engines to trust they have an ideal match for your search. When you endeavor to download a file from such a webpage the name will fit, but the file that you have downloaded are really going to be loaded with infections, viruses, malwares and other threats. So it is never a smart thought to open documents got from arbitrary sources without scanning them for infections first. Always keep an anti-virus program on your machine.
To pay or not to pay
Nemucod Ransomware is a malicious malware which will damage your system without hesitation and aggressively demand Ransom. Keeping in the mind the importance attached to encrypted data, a few organizations are not in the capacity to get away without the information and paying ransom looks the only option available to them.
However, paying ransom is not the solution and does not ensure that your infected files will ever be decrypted as Ransomware decryption was never the motive of cyber crooks and they are only interested in taking your money. System backup on external storage devices is one thing that could have saved you from a lot of issues.
Protection from Nemucod Ransomware.
Nemucod Ransomware is a malicious and lethal malware and removing it completely is important for safe and enhanced system performance.
Ransomware is more than a mere nuisance, protection from it is highly essential and requires the user to be vigilant and practice utmost caution before clicking on misleading links and email attachments. Another defense method is to maintain a consistent backup of all the important data and files on external storage devices.
Unfortunately, new types of Ransomware are highly advanced and it is almost impossible to recover the lost data and important information once your system is attacked by Ransomware. Paying ransom may look like options but there is no point in paying the ransom because chances are, it won’t help you to recover your files. In order to protect your PC from Ransomware attack, we advise you to use an efficient antivirus module. Keep files and confidential data safe from Ransomware attack, optimize system performance and enjoy secure system working by downloading the best antivirus tool, Malware Removal Tool .
Tips to Prevent Nemucod from Infecting Your System:
1. Enable your popup blocker: Pop-ups and ads in the websites are the most adoptable tactic used by cybercriminals or developers with the core intention to spread malicious programs. So, avoid clicking uncertain sites, software offers, pop-ups etc.
2. Keep your Windows Updated: To avoid such infections, we recommend that you should always keep your system updated through automatic windows update. By doing this you can keep your device free from virus. According to the survey, outdated/older versions of Windows operating system are an easy target.
3. Third-party installation: Try to avoid freeware download websites as they usually install bundled of software with any installer or stub file.
4. Regular Backup: Regular and periodical backup helps you to keep your data safe in case the system is infected by any kind of virus or any other infection. Thus always backup important files regularly on a cloud drive or an external hard drive.
5. Always have an Anti-Virus: Precaution is better than cure. We recommend that you install an antivirus like McAfee or a good Malware Removal Tool like Download Free Virus Removal Tool
6. Install a powerful ad- blocker for Chrome, Mozilla,and IE.