What is Win64:Malware-Gen and Win64:Adware-Gen?
Win64:Malware-Gen and Win64:Adware-Gen are Trojan Horse Malwares being distributed these days. As detected by Avast Antivirus they can cause some serious damage. Due to their changing nature, there is no specific information on what they do.
How Dangerous are Win64:Adware-Gen and Win64:Malware-Gen?
Win64:Malware-Gen and Win64:Adware-Gen are one of their kind, a Trojan infection. They possess the ability to download other malicious programs by creating a connection to Command and Control Centre which is operated by the hackers. These Trojans are developed in a manner so that they can be attached to an e-mail or a freeware program. This is the quickest way to spread a Trojan Horse Malware.
Once the infection is in your system, this trojan would worsen your PC’s performance, and everything would suddenly take forever to respond. On the other hand, it downloads adware, browser hijackers, spyware and other malicious programs on your computer without your knowledge. This trojan can do away with more than any of us could even imagine, i.e., it can easily get hold of a user’s data like user id password and sensitive banking details like credit card numbers and pins. Other annoying behavior visible to us that it could quickly pull off to generate revenue is through the manifold of advertisements.
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This trojan can cause frequent system crashes and ruin some of your programs. The more terrible thing about a trojan is that it will modify the files of your operating system to weaken the firewall so that it could make way for the hackers to barge in your PC remotely, at this point everything on your pc will be exposed. It records all the keystroke, IP address, search history and details of your online banking in the background makes a log file of it and consistently reports them to the hackers.
Thus, if you want to secure all your details and throw the hackers out of your computer, it is better that you start by creating a robust firewall. To do that, first, you need to get an antivirus like McAfee and then download an authentic malware removal tool like free malware removal tool. Keep these programs updated and scan your computer once a month to ensure the security of your computer.
Steps to be followed to prevent such infections and create a strong firewall:
- Enable ad-blocker: Pop-ups and advertisements are the quickest and most reliable resources for the hackers to hijack the computer. So, enabling the ad-blocker would be a step towards blocking all the malicious websites or advertisements from popping up on the screen.
- Recommended Updates: Do not postpone any updates. If there is any recommendation from the computer to update the operating system, drivers or any security software you have do not delay it. Moreover, according to survey older version tend to be an easier target.
- Third-party installation: Avoid installing programs from untrusted websites because malware is bounded with such programs. If you still wish to install such program look for a trusted third-party website, read user review about the website before trying it.
- Frequent Back up: Make a habit of backing up all your personal data frequently as it assures the security of it, an attacker can crash your computer, wipe out all your personal data or might corrupt it so that the backup would be helpful in such emergency.
- Log out of all the websites once you are done using it, i.e., Banking websites, social websites. You could be leaving all your personal data vulnerable if you are using a public network.
- Make sure you are using a secure connection before viewing any website have a look for the padlock icon before the website URL.
- Use an authentic firewall, anti-malware, and Antivirus: It’s better to stay ahead, why wait for the malware to hit your computer. We recommend that you install an Antivirus like McAfee or a good Malware Removal Tool like Free Malware RemovalTool. Apart from this, we would suggest a regular updating of these software’s to detect and avoid latest infections.