Home News Twitter Removed More Than 1.4 Lakh Apps that Violated the Policies
Twitter Removed More Than 1.4 Lakh Apps that Violated the Policies Twitter Removed More Than 1.4 Lakh Apps that Violated the Policies
News | 07/30/2018

Twitter Removed More Than 1.4 Lakh Apps that Violated the Policies

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Twitter block 143,000 Apps That Violated Company's Policy

According to the reports, Twitter has recently blocked more than 143,000 apps on its platform.

The ban was a moment against the apps that violated Twitter’s API policies between April and June.

Twitter kills 143,000 apps on its platform

Followed by the ban company said "We do not accept our API being used to manipulate conversation, produce spam, or invade the privacy of people using Twitter," the company mentioned in an article this week.

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The social network always has restrictions on holding a great number of bots that have frequently influenced public opinions and discussions.

These bots are often controlled using the Twitter API apps to automate its function, i.e., follow, likes, and tweets.

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Twitter crashes down on apps that violated its API policy as Facebook undergoes government investigation into the collection for the use of user data for the Cambridge Analytica scandal for election meddling.

Twitter is doing its best to avoid being questioned by the authorities, and any following legal action, particularly given that the site is famous as a festering pot of dissent, fake news, and harassment.

Twitter crashes down on apps that violated the policies original

Twitter implements significant changes to its API

Not only is Twitter putting an end to 143,000 apps but also the micro-blogging platform is analyzing the issue to the core and considering how the API change in its platform would work.

The company also mentioned “starting from today, and new requests are needed to access twitter’s premium and standard APIs via a new individual approval process.

This process requires developers of Twitter API-based apps to apply for individual access to the platform. Developers have to provide more details about themselves. Twitter says this will help prevent the registration of spammy and low-quality apps.

Twitter also says that all existing developer accounts will gradually be prompted to provide more details about the account holders. Those who fail will see their apps cut off from the official API.

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Devs limited at ten Twitter apps, new API rate limits

Developers limited at ten Twitter apps, new API rate limits

Additionally, developers won't be allowed to create and manage more than ten apps. If developers need to run more than ten apps, they'll have to request special permission from Twitter and provide an excellent reason to do so.

Developers who think they can sneakily change the way their apps use the Twitter API will also be prompted for extra information about the app's new features, even after they've been "approved."

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Starting September 10th, 2018, new API rate limits will also be put in place for each Twitter app. Twitter says these new rate limits "will help cut down on the ability of bad actors to create spam on Twitter via [their] APIs." The new rate limits entering into effect will be (per app):

The limits can be removed for valid reasons for apps that need more access to Twitter's data for legitimate reasons.

Last but not least, Twitter says it also modified its Twitter API support page to include an option for reporting "bad apps" that break one of its many policies.

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The company also relaunched its Developer Portal this week, available at developer.twitter.com.


This is step two of Twitter's crackdown on misbehaving users and lousy content. Earlier this month, the social network also announced that it banned more than 70 million user accounts in May and June, most of which it deemed bots or fakes.



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